Wednesday, December 3, 2014


             The name Herod appears significantly in the Bible. It appears since the birth of Jesus until Acts of the Apostles. The name Herod was both loved and hated by many. Every time he is mention, it is always in a major attribute. Thus, Herod is not just an ordinary person during his time but a very influential figure. Herod as mention in the Bible is called king and at the same time a family man having wives and sons.

             Herod Antipos is one of the sons of Herod the Great, a Tetrarch. He was a very influential figure between 4 BC to 39 AD and ruled Galilee, Perea, and east of the Jordan. He rebuilds the big city of Sepphoris in Galilee and was later on exiled to Gual. Herod Archelaus also a son of Herod the Great, an Ethnarch. He is influential in Judah / Judea, Samaria, and Edumea. He was also later on exiled to Gual by Augustus in 6 AD the account can be found in Matthew 2: 22. Next is Herod Philip also a Tetrarch. He ruled the north of the Sea of Galilee. Like his father Herod the Great, he build a lot. He is said to be a kind, just and a good leader by Josephus. During his time, Caesarea Philippi becomes the Holy place for the Jews because it is where the Jordan River originates.
            Aside from the above mentioned Herods, two more Herods are significantly mentioned in the history. One is Herod Agrippa I. As mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, he is one who killed James the apostle of John. He is a pious Jews. What moved him to kill James is that, he found James influential and a threat to there laws. He died suddenly due to a heat stroke. Another one is Herod Agrippa II. Accounts about him can be found in the Acts of the Apostles 25. Scandals and controversies were attached to him. The name Bernice is his sister and at the time his lover and at times of chaos he sided against his people.
            All the Herods mention contributed a lot in the life of the people in Jerusalem. Including Jesus and later on in the missions of the apostles. The name Herod was a significant element of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord. It is indeed liberating to learn and to realize the name Herod because it minimizes the confusions in understanding the authentic story of Jesus and the people that surrounded him during his time.

            The name Herod therefore should not be taken always into its negative attributes because in one way or another it also enriched the experiences of the people, including the culture and civilization, and most especially the strict observance of the there Laws. Lastly, to understand the experience of Jesus, one cannot detach the name Herod for it will always certainly bring us to the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of our savior and even to the mission that we partake at present.

Friday, November 28, 2014

ONLY IN THE EYES OF LOVE - Our Christian Rootedness

Many Catholic Christians do not know the origin of Christianity. At the same time many Christians are exclusive in faith and salvation. A number of Christian Catholic failed to understand our rootedness to Judaism. That Jesus was born Jew as well as Mary and Joseph. Even the earliest follower of Christ. They are all Jews. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the first Christian community called themselves Jewish – Christian. Acts 11:26 would narrate “… it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christian.” This mean that, the early follower of Jesus remain a Jew until the twelve (12) left Jerusalem. It was James a relative of Jesus lead the community in Jerusalem and was called the first Bishop of Jerusalem.

                I am one with those who said and believed that the Hebrew Bible is essential and necessary in order to understand the New Testament. For without the Old Testament the Christian Bible will not be completed. Many Theologians and Bible Scholars would say that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. It is through this written Sacred Scriptures that we understand our Christian tradition and how God enters into the history of humanity. And most of all it is only there that we can find the truth of our faith. God revealed to us the salvific truth. As a Christian it is very important for us to recognize our rootedness in order to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of our Christian religion. St. Pope John Paul II called the Jews as “Elder Brothers” and urge them to work for the sake of peace. Peace is the common aim we share.

                On the other point, having known our close bond with the Jewish people, culture and tradition. I would like to comment on the exclusivity that still I sense regarding this matter. Yes, as Christian we can trace back to Judaism. And so I ask this questions “How about those of other faith?” - Those people who do not profess in the “One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church?” Are they not also our brothers and sisters? – the Muslim, Buddhist, Hindus, and so on. How can we extend and share the salvation we claim without compromising our Christian identity? Where this initiated Inter-Faith Dialogue leads us? As Christian we are taught to be a brother and sister to all and so we have the responsibility to one another. For me this is a very challenging questions to ponder. And after all, I can say that only God knows. It humbles me to realize that this is how incomprehensible the plan of God is. His presence is concretely felt because he resides in the heart of every human person.

                Lastly, I say that, it is only in the eyes of Love that we can treat each other as brothers and sisters. We do not only trace back our rootedness in the human dimension but more so to the spiritual dimension. We trace back our identity to God who is our beginning and our end. Now I am challenge to Love other people regardless of his or her faith. I believe this is what Jesus is telling and teaching us to love one another because in this way other people will know that we are his disciples. The paradox of being a Christian is that, before knowing and claiming that you are a Christian but has already practice loving others unconditionally all the more that we become a genuine Christian. For me, a true Christian is free from the pre-conditions of this world. A person who continue to love despite of all the things happening around him or her. A person who continue to welcome people into their lives. It is through this that the boundaries and discriminations will disappear and will never hinders the strengthening of our relationship to others and to God.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


The Judas Kiss
Almost throughout the history of the Church, the name Judas has always been attributed in the negative interpretation. This name has never been forgotten in the story the day before the crucifixion of Jesus. Judas became the antagonist, a betrayer of Jesus. He is a dominant personality with a questioned loyalty to the Lord.
            In the four Gospel, only Matthew mentioned about the death of Judas (see Matthew 27:5). In the Acts of the Apostle, Peter also narrated a very different story about Judas’ death (see Acts 1:16-19). It became worst when Bishop Papias further exaggerated the story. All this different versions of story ignites the questionable death of Judas. How Judas died left unanswered. And the million dollar question of why did Judas betrayed Jesus is also hanging.
The 30 Silver Coins
            Judas is not for sure an accessory of Christ’s death because God is omnipotent. God will not use people to pursue his divine plan of salvation. One should look at the event in the human perspective that Judas like Peter who denied Jesus three times has also a human weaknesses and limitations. If one will compare Peter, Judas, and the other disciples who left Jesus during that difficult time, what are now their differences?
            I think it would be very unfair to remember and condemn Judas in such a way that people could not help but to looked for that tree to make sure if there is the hanging body of Judas; or to portray him as a glutton burst his stomach because of greediness; or fabricate a story that would tend people to cover their nostrils and vomit due to the intolerable odor of his remain.
            In the end, I believe that it would be right to remember Judas as a repentant sinner (see Matthew 27:3). He also sobs like Peter and the rest of the other disciples who denounces Jesus in times of complexity but was also saved by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The Head of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi is to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate(Honoris Causa) by the Faculty of Social Communications  Science at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome